On-Demand Video Training

On-Demand Video Training

We're excited to share that 3C-REN is now offering select webinars free on-demand.

In Balance Green Consulting has been working with 3C-REN for the past two years providing courses on high performance building, Zero Net Energy, energy codes and more. With Jennifer Rennick and Mike Horgan as lead instructors, we first offered the 1-hour workshops through in-person events, then switched to online for the past year.

Lowering the Carbon Impacts of Concrete

Lowering the Carbon Impacts of Concrete

As we’ve noted previously on this blog, climate action in the building industry had been focused, appropriately, on reducing the operational carbon of our buildings through efficiency and renewable energy. However, science and recent number-crunching indicates we must shift more attention to reducing the embodied carbon of our buildings as well. That’s the carbon emissions related to extracting, producing, and transporting building materials, and the biggest contributor is concrete.

That doesn’t mean we can, or even would want to, eliminate concrete, but we can be more strategic to lower the carbon emissions.

CCGBC's Green Building Speaker Series

CCGBC's Green Building Speaker Series

Last month’s presentation by Paul Poirier was on “Electrification and the 2030 Commitment”. If you missed it, you’ll have a chance to catch this month’s talk: “Natural Building and a Changing Climate” by Sasha Rabin, a local advocate working with Quail Springs and Earthen Shelter. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm and is free to the public.