Mike Horgan’s Passive House project was the subject of a recent article in the New Times. Take look!
Retrofitting for Net Zero - How Much PV Do I Need?
Like many on the Central Coast, our home uses a mix of fuels to heat and cool the air, heat water and cook food. The energy efficiency “bones” of the building are sound - having completed a gut remodel of the 50-yr old structure a decade ago, so our electricity costs have generally been low. Too low to make installing solar PV cost effective.
Bishop Passive House: Slab Construction for Long-term Results
Changes in Incentives for Multifamily Affordable Housing
At In Balance, we often work with our affordable multifamily housing clients on ways to help them qualify for a variety of tax credits from both state and federal government programs. One in particular, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) provides incentives that help fund affordable rental housing developments for low-income Californians. It is governed by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) and includes incentives for incorporating sustainable building practices in multifamily housing projects.